I Did It!


I promised on Monday that I would post every day this week to catch up on everything I’ve missed since April 11th.

I have kept that promise and feel great about posting again! I still have so much more to post about and am so excited about the next few weeks.

Some things to look for include:

Evan’s 5th birthday, Harry Potter, My relationship, The Wedding??, and Aiden’s birthday. Y’all, this is just July! I don’t even want to look at my calendar for this new month.

Cheers to a new month and trying to stay above the waves! Whew!

Owen Meets the Ocean

It took fourteen months

Fourteen months! I’m really not sure why we waited so long to introduce Owen to the ocean. But, that didn’t make it any less special, for either of us.

The only proof

Approximately 3 hours spent and the only proof are two photos of Owen sitting on a  towel and drinking his water. That’s not even the worst part! I felt like such a bad mom, I forgot the most important thing- Owen’s swimsuit!



Serenity is the only word to describe his first experience. Owen was so calm, so at peace. If I was an onlooker, I would have guessed he had done this every day since day one. It was unbelievable. Owen simply floated in his pineapple baby float, paddled his feet, and gently ran his hands along the water. It was beautiful. It was also the easier beach trip I’ve ever had! Ha!

Take two!

Arthur was unable to go with us to the beach that day, so we had to do it again! We went for a sunset and planned to let the littles play in the sand and in the shallows.

I see wonderful possibilities ahead for my little Ocean Defender.




Summer Tie Dye

It’s been  about two years since our last tie dye experiment. I picked up a kit at target, grabbed some of our undershirts from this past school year, and the creations began.

My boys are 6 and 4 so I did not allow them to do this on their own. There was just too much risk of permanent mess. They did pick out a pattern, both wanted a swirl and a “popsicle” where the top, middle, and bottom are separated. They also were able to help apply the rubber bands to section off the shirts.

Aiden and Evan’s different personalities shown through this project and so fun to see their vision come to fruition. When it was time to choose dye colors you could see the wheels turning in their heads as they analyzed colors and the way they would look on the shirt.

The project took one day and I am pleased to say the only stains were the ones on my hands from rinsing the shirts. We are looking forward to our next dye project!

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A Quiet Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day weekend was a rough one for me. How is that so? Well, let’s go back two weeks before the holiday.

On a regular afternoon, after school, during homework, and before dinner time, Evan came running out of the bathroom claiming her threw up. I am positive that Evan has never thrown up, pretty much his whole life. Even as a baby he hardly ever spit up. So naturally, I was shocked and asked him about it. He was so sure that he threw up, but I convinced myself it must have been some mucus instead. It was only the one time, anyways. Soon the instance was forgotten.

A week later, Aiden didn’t want to go to school and said he was unwell. Upon arrival at school, he proceeded to throw up along the sidewalk right outside of the gates. So he remained home, and as with Evan, that was the only time he was sick.

So now we arrive to the Saturday before Mother’s Day. I woke up with Owen for a feeding at 5am. I already felt so nauseas but was too tired and simply went back to bed. That was a horrible idea. For the next 12 hours straight, I could hardly stop vomiting. My head pounded, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t see. I truly thought I might die. I wasn’t even fearful, I simply felt disconnected.

Mother’s day morning I woke up very weak, but better. I was so scared to sit up, or walk, or drink and especially to eat.

However, the boys had other ideas. After being cooped up with Dad and a very sick Mommy, they all wanted to get out of the house. And so we did.



We headed over to our favorite serene spot, Sunken Gardens.

They some decorations up for mother’s day and it was not busy at all. Just what a recovering Momma needed. I was still so weak, but we took it slow and enjoyed being out together.


Mother’s Day 2018 did not go as planned, but in a weird kinda way it did.

I got to stay in bed, unwillingly.
All of my boys took care of me and each other.
We ended it with a fun outing together.

What more could a Momma want?

An Afternoon at the Aquarium

As promised, I am updating my blog on our adventures while I was away. Let’s start all the way back to April. The littles and I ventured over the bridge to the Florida Aquarium with some friends for an afternoon. It was a special trip, Evan and Owen’s very first time visiting!


As you can see, everyone was entirely thrilled! 🙂

We made our way threw the habitats in no time at all. The boys were amazed at all there was to see and were so eager to continue the journey and not miss a thing. This made for a worn out Mommy.


My little crabby’s trying on shells.

One of the main reasons we were at the aquarium was for the awesome splash pad! Which was more like an entire splash park! All three of my boys loved it! Aiden, 6, loved the moving water features and the sprayers. Evan, 4, loved the slide and crawl through tunnels. Lastly, Owen, who just turned 1 at the time, loved the gentle jet fountain, water tables, and exploring the entire area. Two hours flew by in a blink!



We loved our adventure at the Florida Aquarium!

Steffany, the Very Bad Blogger!

It’s true!

I’ve been, unwillingly, on hiatus for a couple months now. But I am back and will be running this blog like a beast. Well, more like a well-caffeinated mouse.

So much has happened since March and I have so many new adventures to share.

New posts will be up every day this week! Every. Single. Day.

In the meantime, look how big Owen has grown! I have so much to update on, so look for a new post around noon each day this week!
