Til Son Down: A Look into the Life of a Mom of Three Boys

Til Son Down: A Look into the Life of a Mom of Three Boys.


“Three Boys?!” – The phrase the starts practically every single conversation with a stranger. Then, it is immediately followed by, “When are you having a girl?”. Both statements are given out as if I am unhappy with my family that I was blessed with.

What they don’t see is the super squishy bear hugs, the hours of cars, sports, heroes, and silly play time, and the utter joy and pride when they do something new and look directly for you to share their happiness. There is nothing so special as being a boy-mom.

All three of my boys are so similar and so different from each other. The eldest, 7, loves to read and go on adventures and is timid. The middle, 5,  is so sincere and outgoing. He looks out for others before himself. The last, 1, is loving and fun. He tries his best to keep up with his big brothers while becoming his own little person.

I truly dislike the term “Mama’s Boy”. All three of my boys will go to me about something before their father. I think the term should be used more to explain the bond between a mother and her son(s). I love that they trust me most, and look to me for comfort and safety when they haven’t had a great day. A mama’s boy simply knows that his mother is his rock.

So now, I am not shocked when people gasp at my three boys. I smile wide and repeat back to them, “Yes! Three Boys!” Because they are everything I’ve ever dreamed for and I am so proud to be their mom.

All children grow into the life they see before them. Imagine the world we could create if we grow our children in love, understanding, and acceptance. I cannot wait to see the men my three little boys become.

This Mama works from Son up til Son down, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

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