Oh, Hello There

This is 2020

Hi everyone! After going ghost and inactive for a year, I have come back. Obviously so many changes have happened in a year. Not only in my personal life but in the world as well. I can’t wait to share these thoughts with you and get back into blogging.

Here’s to a wonderful new heading and all the adventures along the way 🙂

With Love,


Roses are red

Day 2 of the Sprout Challenge! Reminder, it’s a simple reaction and response to a word or phrase that is relative to February. 🙂

Roses are red

A whisper, a special note, a secret admirer. “Roses are red…” always brings me back to third grade when we had to write notes to our other classmates. Sweet and innocent.


Hello March

I am so glad February is finished! For such a short month, it sure was brutal. With that said, hello, March, please be gentle.

This month is going to be about growth. Everything is in bloom and I will be too. It’s time to catch up and all the challenges February had brought to light and to overcome.

March, I am ready.

Kindly, bring it on!

10 Chores For Kids Under 8

Now that Aiden is about to turn six years old, it is time to add some big boy chores to the ones he already does.

Chores starting at two years old

When Aiden turned two, and most likely even before that, I introduced him to chores. However back then, they weren’t really chores. I would ask him if he’d like to help me with something or ask him to clean up specific things that were in his room. Later when Evan came along, I did the same thing with him.

The chore: Help Mommy with small tasks & pick up certain things in room (for example, stuffed animals or books). 

Every year they grew older, I would add in more chores that were a little more complex.

Chores for 3 to 5 year olds

At three years old, children are much more independent and can do more than ever. That includes make bigger messes. At this stage, the boys were expected to do more chores. This not only made it easier on me during the day and especially at bedtime, but it also taught them to clean up after themselves and not expect others to go behind them all the time.

The chores:

  • Make bed: blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals placed onto the bed every morning.
  • Get yourself dressed and ready for the day: fresh underwear, shirt, bottoms, and socks every morning, then brush hair and teeth properly and thoroughly. 
  • In the bathroom: go potty completely by yourself, including all wiping (although at 3-4 years old I do check if it’s a #2). Then wipe the seat(s) clean afterwards (must be done at least once daily).
  • All dirty clothes go directly to hamper.
  • Take care of your dishes: food scraped and dishes (cup, plate, bowl, cutlery) goes into the sink.
  • In the bedroom/playroom: When finished playing, clean up the toy(s). You got them out, you put them away or they will go into a “time out” bin. This is when Mommy finds a toy and it’ll be in timeout from playtime for a few days. 

Although it seems like a whole lot in list-form, these chores really are simple tasks that usually happen anyway with Mom or Dad’s assistance. It simply informs the child that he or she needs to start doing on their own.

Chores for 6 to 8 year olds

This is where I find myself- what chores do I add on for Aiden to do. The chores that work best for our family are as follows:

  • Sweeping: We only have tile in our kitchen and bathrooms so this is a small chore that can be done two times a week, nothing too major.
  • Vacuuming bedroom: This will only apply to his own room (plus it’ll guarantee that the room will be clean, mom win!) 1-2 times per week.
  • Laundry awareness: He knows better than anyone when his laundry basket is full. Also, he must wear uniforms at school, so consistent laundering is a must. I believe he will do great at this, simply bringing his laundry basket to the laundry room when it’s time to wash, about every three days.
  • Hang up clothes. Aiden has been doing this for a while now. He gets empty hangers from the closet, sits with me to put clothes on the hangers and then hangs them where they belong in the closet. (For example play shirts together, shorts together, and pajamas together). 

Sometimes, there might be times that I’ll need extra help and the list will  be longer or there may even be times when he’s done something exceptional an I might take care of items on the list for him. My main goal for having Aiden and Evan do chores is to prepare them for adulthood, learn and respect responsibility, and have a helpful heart.

Aiden’s Art Party Prep

This was a whirlwind birthday that ended with an emergency room trip. With Aiden’s 6th birthday approaching, it’s time to reflect on the good and the bad of this party prep. What a mess I was

Live In Slomocean

Aiden is four! We recently celebrated Aiden’s fourth birthday with an art party. This party was 6 months in the making, however due to weather, nap time, and a very bad boo-boo, the party was hosted at our apartment and many elements could not be used.

With that aside, we had planned for the party since January. Aides loves to draw, create, and color. So when we sat down to decide on a party theme, an art party was quickly chosen. Soon, I began my planning.  I researched “Art Party” and “Rainbow Party” on Pinterest without much luck. I could not find too much inspiration and decided to wing it and make it a true DIY party.

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